Thursday, September 8, 2011

Sacrifice of Praise

Did you ever wonder what that means? I did. So I asked! Lord what does that mean?  How can Praise possibly be a sacrifice?

So God showed me.....

Through tough times....when I didn't want to praise Him.  When it was hard for me to praise Him.
Then I got it.

Even though our circumstances are rough, dry, sad and even sometimes unbearable.....there is power in praise, there is freedom in praise, there is presence in praise.....the Word says, God inhabits the Praises of His even when we don't feel like praising Him because of our life situation....there is almost nothing better to when we praise Him, it sets us free from thinking we are in control of anything.....He is the one who knows what is best for us and He is the one who allowed whatever it is that has come into our life to, I don't know, test our faith, make us stronger, draw us closer, you name it! Maybe all 3.....But most of all we Praise Him because He is Worthy of that Praise.....because if the ONLY thing Christ did was to die for us, that is truly enough.....but let me make it is NOT the only thing He did for us or does for lets Praise Him for who He is and not only for what He can do for us, but what He has done for us and why.....Praise Him for His Love, Sacrifice, Victory, Comfort, Protection and Provision. Praise Him in the good times and the bad times, praise Him in the morning, afternoon and evening....Praise Him.

Psalm 148